Nancy often will tap into the energy of the collective and share a 'reading' with a powerful message we can all tap into. These COLLECTIVE READINGS can be super helpful in navigating the current energetics of the world or can just have a important idea for one to process.
You can visit the website at any time to tap into the current COLLECTIVE READINGS, however, you can also follow us on either facebook, twitter and soon to be YOU TUBE... and we highly suggest activating notifcations on any of these mediums to know when Nancy has uploaded a new reading.
You may also sign-up for email notifications if you are more inclined to using email as a way to receive readings and updates on ways to experience Nancy's work.
Nancy creates both collective meditations such as the walking meditation below and also personalized meditations where she uses techniques such as body scanning and NLP to create highly specialized and personalized meditations that can create subconscious solutions by regularly listening to these meditations.
Experience them for yourself.